
Best Surrogacy Centre in Vadodara

In the field of modern assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy emerges as the perfect choice for couples facing medical impossibility of pregnancy or when the mother’s health is at risk. Ekmi Fertility, recognized as the Best Surrogacy Centre in Vadodara, stands as the foremost and highly successful option for addressing a range of fertility challenges. For those seeking to realize their dreams of parenthood, Ekmi Fertility provides complete support and advanced technologies.

Committed to excellence, our centre customizes solutions. The Best Surrogacy Centre in Vadodara shows a leading approach to fertility treatments, providing hope and success to those facing the complex journey of assisted reproduction.

For any further assistance contact us at 8448841271 or email us at

What is Surrogacy?

In the process of surrogacy, intended parents collaborate with the surrogate mother and our expert doctors at Ekmi Fertility. A lawyer compiles legal documentation for the intended parents, surrogate mother, and, if necessary, donors. Subsequently, the parties sign a contract agreement that outlines the surrogate’s commitment to becoming pregnant and delivering a child for the intended couple. Being the Best Surrogacy Centre in Vadodara, we give you complete legal assistance in one place.

For a complementary legal consultation Call us at 8448841271 or email us at

Procedures involved in surrogacy in Vadodara

  • The screening process thoroughly evaluates the surrogate before matching her with either the intended couple or a donor.
  • In the initial menstrual cycle, either the intended mother’s ovary or a donor’s ovary is stimulated.
  • Our skilled embryologist retrieves the eggs in the laboratory and simultaneously collects sperm from the intended father.
  • The embryologist introduces the egg and sperm together for fertilization, carefully incubating them.
  • Upon selecting a fertilized embryo, we proceed to implant it into the surrogate mother’s uterus to initiate pregnancy.

Who can consider opting for surrogacy

Best Surrogacy Centre in Vadodara is a great option for various couples facing distinct fertility challenges like:

  • This includes couples who are over the age of 35, as advanced maternal age can present difficulties in conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to term.
  • Couples where one or both partners have genetic defects they do not wish to pass on to their offspring can also find surrogacy to be a solution.
  • Additionally, surrogacy is a suitable choice for women who have medical conditions preventing them from safely carrying a child in their womb.
  • Moreover, for those who have endured multiple disappointments with IVF cycles, IUI cycles, and other fertility treatments, surrogacy offers renewed hope in their journey to parenthood.

Guaranteed surrogacy by Ekmi Fertility in Vadodara

  • Ekmi Fertility has held its status as the Best Surrogacy Centre in Vadodara. We are known for delivering top-notch treatment with Assured Live Birth.
  • Our reputation as the most sought-after surrogacy clinic in Vadodara is further solidified by our competitive and flexible surrogacy pricing.
  • Our centre streamlines the patient journey by allowing online appointment bookings and providing free consultations.
  • Ekmi Fertility has meticulously cultivated a state-of-the-art surrogacy centre, boasting cutting-edge technologies, advanced techniques, and a roster of top fertility doctors from across India.
  • Beyond our medical prowess, we are distinguished for creating a nurturing and welcoming environment for our patients, offering well-disposed living arrangements.

For any further details contact us at 8448841271 or email us at

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