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  • You can contact our accounting department to find out how much money you’ll need to pay for the surgery you’ll be having.
  • Prices are in Indian rupees, and cash payments are allowed on the day of the treatment. Payments can be made in TL, USD, or GBP at market exchange rates if preferred.
  • Instalment payments are accepted.

The most significant factor is one’s age. The older a woman is, the less likely she is to become pregnant. Females above the age of 44 have a very slim likelihood of becoming pregnant. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are influenced by previously experienced sexually transmitted diseases and infections, which reduce the chances of pregnancy.

IVF success is influenced by sperm quality, embryo adhesion in the womb, complications such as myoma or polyp, and blocked fallopian tubes, among other things.

IVF can be used till you’re 44 years old. However, it is well known that beyond the age of 44, the chances of a successful IVF are reduced.

It’s an IVF technique that allows for fertilisation by inserting a single sperm into the egg.

IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation.

Unlike microinjection, a set amount of sperm are placed around the eggs, and one of them naturally enters the egg.

Male infertility is treated using microinjection, whereas female infertility is treated with IVF.

These treatments are utilised in circumstances where there has been no pregnancy and traditional therapeutic methods have failed.

It involves stimulating the ovaries, collecting eggs, fertilising the eggs with sperm, and then transferring the fertilised eggs (embryos).

Microinjection is used when the number of sperm is very low. In cases where there is no sperm, a surgical search for sperm inside the testicles is required.

Vaginal ultrasonography is used to gather the eggs. It’s a procedure that’s usually done under local anaesthetic for a brief period of time.

She can go home right away and even go to work the same day she collects the eggs in the afternoon.

The ovarian reserve does not decrease when the ovaries are stimulated during IVF.

An egg must be developed and structurally normal in order to be fertilised. All of the eggs are unfit for fertilisation. Every fertilised egg does not develop into a healthy embryo.
